We Are Making a Positive Difference, Together!
“I am Lakeisha Purchase, your Ward 5 Alderwoman. This website serves as the opportunity for me to better serve you on the Springfield City Council. It allows me to keep you informed and gives you direct access to me for your questions and neighborhood concerns.
The many citizens who have reached out to me have had a big impact on the service I have been able to provide to Ward 5. Watch for my Quarterly newsletter and notices of interest to you. Working together, we are making a positive difference!”
Ward 5 Alderwoman Lakeisha Purchase
Constituent Services

Medics First Grand Opening in Ward 5
Watch WAND TV News Coverage of the Medics First Grand Opening on March 24, 2023 by clicking the link below: https://www.wandtv.com/medics-first/video_3d04da83-8b45-5a0a-b4d9-4313a4750a1e.html
The Lofts on Madison gets go-ahead; city council adds labor agreement amendment
The Lofts on Madison gets go-ahead; city council adds labor agreement amendment https://www.sj-r.com/story/news/local/2022/12/21/springfield-city-council-gives-ok-to-new-medical-district-development/69739794007/ The full Springfield City Council Tuesday gave its approval to a $28.3 million proposed development by a New York company at Fifth and Madison streets, but not before adding an amendment ensuring that a Project Labor Agreement has to be negotiated in the future. […]
Delays in opening Springfield overflow shelter
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (WICS/WRSP) — The overflow shelter at the Salvation Army building will not open on Friday, Oct. 1 despite officials hoping that it would. So when can we expect the doors to fully open? The Heartland Continuum of Care and the Salvation Army, which are in charge of opening and operating the shelter, say […]
History made in Springfield, City Council the most diverse it’s ever been
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (WICS/WRSP) — History is being made in the City of Springfield. For the first time, three African-Americans and three women are serving on the City Council. “We have the most diverse City Council that we’ve ever had in the City of Springfield,” Frank McNeil, former alderperson said. This moment is long overdue according […]
Postal Union Awaits Word on Consolidation, Possible Privatization
January 16, 2025 By Scott Reeder https://www.illinoistimes.com/news-opinion/postal-problems-19628953 Springfield postal workers are bracing for bad news as federal officials ponder moving some functions of Springfield’s packaging and distribution center to St. Louis. The move would be part of a national effort to consolidate functions within the nation’s mail system. In May, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy paused plans […]
WMAY’s exclusive post-election sit-down with Ward 5 Alderwoman LaKeisha Purchase
by Trent Nelson May 4, 2023 https://www.wmay.com/2023/05/04/wmays-exclusive-post-election-sit-down-with-ward-5-alderwoman-lakeisha-purchase-at-resource-one-in-downtown-springfield/ The sun was shining on that Friday. It was a nice day for a walk in Downtown Springfield, with a slight breeze and a cool blue sky above. There are so many shops and interesting little sites as you walk up Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth streets, that it seems […]
Medics First Grand Opening in Ward 5
Watch WAND TV News Coverage of the Medics First Grand Opening on March 24, 2023 by clicking the link below: https://www.wandtv.com/medics-first/video_3d04da83-8b45-5a0a-b4d9-4313a4750a1e.html
The Lofts on Madison gets go-ahead; city council adds labor agreement amendment
The Lofts on Madison gets go-ahead; city council adds labor agreement amendment https://www.sj-r.com/story/news/local/2022/12/21/springfield-city-council-gives-ok-to-new-medical-district-development/69739794007/ The full Springfield City Council Tuesday gave its approval to a $28.3 million proposed development by a New York company at Fifth and Madison streets, but not before adding an amendment ensuring that a Project Labor Agreement has to be negotiated in the future. […]
Delays in opening Springfield overflow shelter
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (WICS/WRSP) — The overflow shelter at the Salvation Army building will not open on Friday, Oct. 1 despite officials hoping that it would. So when can we expect the doors to fully open? The Heartland Continuum of Care and the Salvation Army, which are in charge of opening and operating the shelter, say […]
History made in Springfield, City Council the most diverse it’s ever been
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (WICS/WRSP) — History is being made in the City of Springfield. For the first time, three African-Americans and three women are serving on the City Council. “We have the most diverse City Council that we’ve ever had in the City of Springfield,” Frank McNeil, former alderperson said. This moment is long overdue according […]
Postal Union Awaits Word on Consolidation, Possible Privatization
January 16, 2025 By Scott Reeder https://www.illinoistimes.com/news-opinion/postal-problems-19628953 Springfield postal workers are bracing for bad news as federal officials ponder moving some functions of Springfield’s packaging and distribution center to St. Louis. The move would be part of a national effort to consolidate functions within the nation’s mail system. In May, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy paused plans […]
WMAY’s exclusive post-election sit-down with Ward 5 Alderwoman LaKeisha Purchase
by Trent Nelson May 4, 2023 https://www.wmay.com/2023/05/04/wmays-exclusive-post-election-sit-down-with-ward-5-alderwoman-lakeisha-purchase-at-resource-one-in-downtown-springfield/ The sun was shining on that Friday. It was a nice day for a walk in Downtown Springfield, with a slight breeze and a cool blue sky above. There are so many shops and interesting little sites as you walk up Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth streets, that it seems […]
Medics First Grand Opening in Ward 5
Watch WAND TV News Coverage of the Medics First Grand Opening on March 24, 2023 by clicking the link below: https://www.wandtv.com/medics-first/video_3d04da83-8b45-5a0a-b4d9-4313a4750a1e.html
The Lofts on Madison gets go-ahead; city council adds labor agreement amendment
The Lofts on Madison gets go-ahead; city council adds labor agreement amendment https://www.sj-r.com/story/news/local/2022/12/21/springfield-city-council-gives-ok-to-new-medical-district-development/69739794007/ The full Springfield City Council Tuesday gave its approval to a $28.3 million proposed development by a New York company at Fifth and Madison streets, but not before adding an amendment ensuring that a Project Labor Agreement has to be negotiated in the future. […]